Renewable energy sources are the future

In fact, there is no future without renewable energy sources. We are very firm about this. P&E Lowlands believes that for every organization there is a sustainable energy solution in which renewable energy sources play a central role. We will be happy to conceive the future of your machine together with you. Even after the age of fossil fuel.

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What are renewable energy sources?

Renewable energy literally means: energy from natural resources that are constantly being replenished. Wind energy is a good example. Wind is a natural resource that never runs out. Wind turbines convert this renewable energy into electricity. The sun is also an example of a renewable energy source, just like hydropower, geothermal energy and biomass. Even Summer heat is stored for use on cold winter days, called heat-cold storage.

Which energy resource is used by internal combustion engines?

Currently, combustion engines often still use fossil fuels such as oil and gas. Fossil fuels are harmful to the climate and simply run out. We are witnessing the demise of fossil fuels. The time to choose a renewable energy resource is now.

Why do we have to switch to renewable energy sources?

Renewable energy sources are much less harmful to climate. They literally allow us to control the future of our planet and our way of life. The alternative is to stick to fuel that is running out. The age of fossil fuel is finite and does not leave a future for machines (or businesses). Nevertheless,  the end of the fossil fuel era is not the end of the internal combustion engine.

Do you have questions about the renewable energy sources? Contact us ▸

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Sustainable future

In particular, we are focussing on a sustainable future in which the internal combustion engine has a place. We are developing innovative energy solutions running on renewable energy, alternative fuels and options for energy storage. Our approach is based on the Blue World and its circular economy thinking.

How does the transition to renewable energy work?

P&E Lowlands strives to ensure that in the future your machines will run 100% on renewable energy sources. It is important to facilitate the transition step by step and to cooperate on this path. So that you don't have to worry about power blackouts or about your car coming to a standstill because of an empty tank.

Do you have questions about the renewable energy sources? Contact us ▸

What does the step-by-step plan look like?

Switching completely to the use of renewable energy in one go is not yet possible. That is why we have to find out which power drive is the most suitable for you to ensure maximum CO2-efficiency and energy savings. Then we examine whether the time is there to switch to a renewable energy application. Finally, we develop a pathway for your transition to 100% renewable energy. Read in more detail what the step-by-step plan looks like. Read more about our transition timepath.


More information?

Do you have questions about renewable energy sources? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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